Up on the second floor of the girls’ bathroom of the school lies a mystery yet to be exposed to the depths of BISV students’ minds. If one were to look up above the 3.5th stall, they would be met with an unexpected surprise. An upside-down paper, which, after deciphered, says “Wash Your Hands!”…? Shocked? Wowed by this sage advice? Don’t be surprised; it is indeed a deep and profound message, if truth be told, caring and even considerate. In the time of a global pandemic, too. Thank you, mysterious person, for such a profound contribution to the world.
To those who discovered this paper, however, and were wondering why it haunted you every time you went to that same specific stall on the second floor (—but why would you keep going there? Could it be that you like the thrill the paper-that-appears-out-of-nowhere gives you when you raise your head…a secret guilty pleasure? Does it perhaps keep you from leaning on your desk, doing the slow, unconscious “blink” where you zone out and lose track of time during class?) — worry not, Quillian investigators were determined, and decided to undertake this unprecedented mystery. A culprit was found. Or, at least, their obvious likeness was revealed, as interpreted by some students who may or may not have been jumpscared after school in that same restroom recently.
Described to have unhuman-like, huge, furry cat ears, a non-existent red “BISV RULES!” t-shirt which proudly states “RUFUS ROARS” on the back, and paws, this bizarre person… err, endangered creature, has been reported to be lurking around in hallways and restrooms from the haunted hours of 4-5 pm. If you haven’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together yet, here is the general run-down: a detached bobcat head was seen floating above the bathroom stalls, which is believed to be from the one and only Rufus. Yes, that’s right, our beloved mascot…’s head, in the bathroom stalls. This is a warning to the students slacking off in the restroom and those that don’t wash their hands; the paper’s targets aren’t chosen at random. Don’t be one of them. This is not a threat, it is a promise and a warning. Be warned!
I wonder if Rufus is why, after all this time, even from a year ago, if that upside-down paper was ever to be removed, it would be put right back in the same place—but of course, with suspicious Rufus-sized paw prints on it. And I wonder if these witnesses would be silenced, to never speak of the paper again; though of course, rumors of him haunting the hallways during mandatory Office Hours would sometimes spread. Rufus, oh Rufus. Though it may seem right to you, enforcing school policy this way may seem off-putting to many, especially to those who don’t wash their hands—
Rufus’ lesson of the week: wash your hands. Or else. 🙂 … Wait, what do you mean, “else”? There’s no way Rufus would threaten anyone… right?