Every year, there are always several instances of water leaks on campus, which is supposedly caused by BISV’s slightly questionable pipe system. This explanation has become the accepted consensus between both staff and students alike, but what if that wasn’t the true cause? Recent studies involving the cause of water leaks have concluded that our accepted explanation is actually incorrect.
In truth, the water leaks are actually caused by a ghost that is haunting the BISV building. This ghost is the lost soul of a former student, whom we will be referring to as “Student A” for confidentiality purposes. Student A was formerly amongst the student population until they received a 99%, the lowest and most utterly terrifying grade possible, on their final report card and passed away from shock. From then, the ghost of Student A remained unable to move on from their horrifying experience, and so they began to reside in the BISV building. Their suspected place of residence is “The Void,” the dimension above the ceilings and below the floors. The Void is separated from our “human realm,” and remains unexplored to this day due to the inability of human forms to enter this area. This ghost spends its days weeping within The Void, and listening in on lessons and lectures that take place in the human realm. Whether the tears are from joy or sadness, we will never know. However, sometimes the ghost’s tears will fall beyond the barrier separating the Void and the human realm, which causes the leaks that we all know and love.
With this newfound discovery, the researchers were able to now find information regarding our mysterious Student A using the common locations of leaks over the past few years as a guide. Since leaks occur due to the ghost’s crying, it can be concluded that the classrooms where leaks occur the most once had Student A’s favorite classes. From this, we can conclude that Student A enjoyed Chemistry, due to the common occurrence of leaks within the corner of Room 307. In addition, it is suspected that Student A enjoyed either Physics, Statistics, or Engineering, due to the presence of leaks in the Engineering Room. They also likely spent their lunches in the Gym, since there were several leaks in there as well.
When we received this information, we interviewed a person thought to be connected with Student A, Student B, to learn their thoughts about the ghost. However, when approached, Student B refused to comment, dismissing our very scientifically proven claims as “nonsense” and “a waste of time.” They claimed that ghosts are not real, though we suspect this is possibly due to the student’s own fear of ghosts. Due to the negative reactions of Student B and a concept called “reverse psychology,” we have concluded that Student A really is the ghost and that Student B is somehow involved, but is denying all connections in order to hide the truth.
These new discoveries have finally managed to unveil one more of the many mysteries of BISV. Maybe with more time and a lot more scientific studies, we will finally be able to uncover all of the mysteries within our school.