“I am always two… steps… ahead.” – Nicholas Perry
Nikocado Avocado, the widely recognized YouTube personality known for his extravagant mukbang (eating extraordinarily large amounts of food at a time) videos, has taken the Internet by storm with his noticeable weight loss. After radio silence for the past 7 months, Nikocado uploaded his most viral video by far (garnering over 44 million views within just 12 days), in which he shed a remarkable 250 pounds. To put this into perspective, here are some things that weigh around the weight he lost:
A baby Asian elephant at birth
5,600,000,000,000 pollen grains
A 2021 Honda Super Cub C125 Scooter
John Cena
The two authors of this article combined
This shocking turnaround left fans and critics alike wondering how he got to the point of no return, but somehow still recovered. However, understanding the true weight of the situation requires us to rewind to 2014, the rise of the man, the myth, the larger-than-life legend: Nikocado Avocado.
Ten years ago, 22-year-old Nicholas Perry posted his first YouTube video on his new channel. For the next two years, his content centered around musical performances, vegan content, and lifestyle vlogs. Shortly after, though, he released a video titled, “Why I’m No Longer a Vegan Youtuber,” kickstarting his rapid growth in both physicality and popularity. Following this post, He shifted his content to focus on large food challenges and mukbangs, which quickly gained traction and helped him become one of the most popular mukbangers on YouTube.
While he was originally made popular by mukbang enjoyers, he soon garnered exponential attention on various platforms due to his visible weight gain. By putting out his vast diet for the entire world to see, viewers, both haters and fans, were unsurprised to see him using a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure: used for people with sleep-related disorders ) and a motorized wheelchair. At this point, many had begun to question the steep price of his fame; had Nikocado Avocado crossed the Rubicon?
Well, it appears that 411 pounds was, indeed, not the end of the self-proclaimed villain. In his most recent video, Nikocado states for the record that he is now at a lean 158 pounds. But how? While everyone’s weights tend to fluctuate, this simply cannot be used as an excuse for the caliber of the situation. The extremely fast rate of weight loss—almost one pound every three days, continuously for the past 2 years—has sparked widespread discussion and speculation about his method of weight loss. Though many have cheered for his journey to health, some have raised an eyebrow at this rapid rate. Of course, people on the Internet have done what they do best: make conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy Theory 1: His new bod is AI.
Many have argued that there is no possible way that Nikocado Avocado has lost all his weight so quickly. Thus, some have accused the “new him” of being computer-generated (though given the state of AI videos currently, many can’t help but laugh). After all, he seems to have taken a hiatus from his main account, but he has been posting consistently on his two other YouTube channels with the same body as before. This is where the sheer genius of Nikocado Avocado comes in: he has pre-recorded over two years’ worth of videos and has slowly been spoon-feeding them to us while on his weight loss journey. And of course, his followers have been eating them up like the little ants they are.
Conspiracy Theory 2: Nikocado Avocado has undergone liposuction.
Liposuction is a procedure in which fluid is injected into target areas of the body to break down and suck up lipid fats. With this method, anybody could drastically lose weight within just a few sessions. There would be no need to count calories, pre-record videos, or do anything Nikocado claims to have done. However, some several-month-old videos seem not to be pre-recorded, as he appeared slightly lighter than before. Thus, it sounds as though this was more of a gradual journey than a quick surgical fix.
Conspiracy Theory 3: Ozempic.
Ah yes, the current wonder drug that everyone has now heard about, likely from accusations of its inclusion in celebrities’ diets. Originally a prescription medication for type 2 diabetes, many are under the impression that it is some miracle medication that instantly evaporates every fat in your body. However, this is not actually the case; it more so works to neutralize cravings. Users also report losing an average of 15-20% of their body weight. However, Nikocado Avocado lost a staggering 61%, far exceeding the medicine’s possibilities.
No matter the truth to these conspiracies, Nikocado seems to be smarter than he looks, in more ways than one. Evidence comes from his work prior to YouTube—for example, in his college years he was a renowned, world-class violinist and had attended one of the most prestigious music academies in the world, the Juilliard School in NYC. At first glance, this suggests that he is indeed extremely intelligent and self-controlled, and, by deductive reasoning, was therefore very much aware of his actions—the fattening, the weight loss, the notoriety, the climactic reveal. However, through some of his older videos, we can see him lament his decisions and wish to return back to his old violinist self. Then, perhaps, there is a chance that he really lost himself in the corpulence.
But in the end, of course, who knows? After all, he is always two steps ahead.