Previously published Oct. 29, 2020
Disclaimer: The Bunion is not responsible for any bad grades, missed homework, and/or angry teachers. May you always read a Bunion and never have a bunion.
With 2020 being such an insane jumble of random occurrences, it is unsurprising that all of us are under mental strain. The glorious, sun-filled, summer seemed to fly by under our unsuspecting nostrils. The memories of magic, jaundice-eye, and adventure may be tragically fading, but we at the Bunion have decided to undertake this hugely important role of preserving those precious recollections. Here is our 2020 Summer Wrap up, here for your viewing pleasure only!
One strange trend has been on the rise since quarantine: the regression to our primal state. While previously, we were reasonable, calm, and relatively sane human beings, it seems that our time in isolation has done something rather strange to our behaviors. Oftentimes, we find ourselves staring outside windows for hours at a time, a feeling of utter desolation completely filling our being. Other times, we consume random things after we just ate a meal. And finally, the most destructive thing of all, we go and bother our pets for no reason whatsoever (on another note, there is a GoFundMe specifically for pets in distress, who can only sleep 15.67 hours a day rather than the accustomed 23 hours.).
And our last wrap up, a love letter to food, who has been a constant and comforting companion in our lowest times. First, let’s start with the flavorful and ambrosial bok choy. In the darkest of hours, its bright tang lights up the world with flavor! Second, a mention of the tender chicken wings, which gives a tiger its stripes, a wolf its howl, and a human his words. Third comes the esteemed cabbage, with its layers holding the secrets to the elusive wonderlands of the world. If you are ever in need of wisdom, bite into the cabbage.Next, with online class being rather exhausting, here are some things to cheer you up!
Motivational slogans to look forward to in online class:
“Never forget that you yourself, have a tadpole growing in your chest. It is always about to burst through, so always do what you want to do.” Aristotes Thoreau, Important Greek Lecture
“Unless you have Reese’s Pieces, always forget your own worth.” Pletacrates, Super Important Greek Lecture
Our newfound love for our reflections in the Zoom window. Don’t lie, we know that you’re looking at your own chiseled features. But don’t worry, we support you because everyone else is doing it too!
We all know that 2020 sucks and that quarantine is mind-numbingly boring; however, hopefully, these tips have helped you get through this hard time just a little easier. Stay safe and socially distanced!