Previously published Oct 31. 2020
7:15 am — Waking up. I usually wake up to a loud alarm clock which I have placed sufficiently far away to force me to get up to stop it.
7:40 am — I start off my morning by reading emails for any school updates and news.
8:00 am — Do some homework. I either do homework that I forgot was due today, or start getting ahead in a specific class.
8:45 am — AP Economics. I enjoy this class because it is interesting, and equips me with knowledge to understand the world better.
9:30 am — Honors Biology. I don’t particularly like Biology as a subject, but the teacher is nice so the class is overall OK.
10:15 am — Honors English. I have never been very good at English or writing, but I feel like with the help of my teacher, I have been able to improve. This class is my favorite non-STEM class this year. My English teacher’s Wifi isn’t great, so sometimes when he is talking his video and audio freezes.
11:00 am — Mandarin 3. Since there are only six students in Mandarin, it has become my most casual class. In addition, being a heritage student has allowed me to get easy As in the class.
11:45 am — APUSH. I don’t enjoy history classes in general, but the teacher is nice and the class is only mildly difficult.
12:30 pm — Pre-calculus. This course is among my easiest classes because I have already learned all the concepts that are being taught. While the teacher is really engaging, the class can still get a bit repetitive sometimes. I think the teacher’s method of having a conversation with a student to teach the class is a good way to convey the information.
Around 12:50 pm — Lunch. Pre-calculus usually ends early because the concepts are short, so I get lunch about 20 minutes before the actual period ends. After lunch, I usually do homework that was assigned in the morning.
2:00 pm — AP Physics 2. AP Physics 2 is easy, because the concepts aren’t new. Due to the easy concepts and the class being right after lunch, I sometimes get a little sleepy during this class.
2:40 pm — AP Computer Science. AP Computer Science is my second easiest course after Precalculus. The ideas and material the teacher is lecturing about are all review from Intro to Programming, which is unusual. Intro to Programming is supposed to be a prerequisite for this class, so all of the students should know what they’re doing. But I digress, as computer science itself is pretty interesting on its own.
3:30 pm — Running. I try and run for at least 20 minutes a day on weekdays, and I have found that right after school is a good time for cardio and a shower.
4:00 pm — Homework or Club. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, I attend club meetings. When I’m not participating in clubs, I am doing homework and occasionally getting distracted.
6:00 pm — Physics. Starting at 6 everyday, I participate in extracurricular physics, an activity that involves lots of studying and drills.
7:00 pm — Dinner.
Around 7:30 pm — Miscellaneous. On most days this time is used to continue Physics, but if I have a large amount of homework in the immediate future (one or two days in advance) I will reserve this time to do that homework.
9:00 pm — Programming. I use this time to program outside of my AP Comp Sci class, using the program C++ because I’m more familiar with it.
10:00 pm — Workout.
11:00 pm — Sleep.