Jane, a young lady, always wears a yellow ribbon around her neck. She never tells anyone, not even her husband, why she wears it. When she is on her deathbed, her husband asks her one last time about it. She agrees to let him see for himself. He nervously unties the yellow ribbon with his trembling hands and…he is horrified to find his wife losing her head. Yes…this is, indeed, the classic Halloween horror story we’ve all heard.
Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, where the veil between the natural and supernatural worlds drops, allowing spirits of the dead to access both worlds. During this time, it was believed that the dead would return and talk to the living. But… not only the dead could appear; other kinds of spirits like elves, fairies, the “wee folk,” sprites, and dark energies were just as likely to pay a visit. To deceive these evil spirits, people took part in “guising,” where ashes from the bonfire were utilized to darken their faces, thus, disguising themselves. Indeed, this fear and will to be protected from these dark forces ultimately evolved into the oldest and most prominent Halloween tradition—dressing up in costumes. Ranging from Teletubbies and avocados to Among Us and skeletons, these seemingly done-for-fun costumes are, in reality, attempts to ward off evil and remain unseen from their unwanted attention.
A Guide to Popular Halloween Candy
Night sky, costume on, bag in hand—the big day is here and you’re all set to go trick-or-treating. Of course, you are only here for the candy, but still, one question remains. Exactly what candy will you be aiming for? Chocolate, lollipops, gummies, or something completely unexpected? No matter what you’re searching for, this comprehensive guide-and-rating-in-one is pieced together with years of experience and refinement. Now, may I present to you…drumroll please…the most accurate, detailed, and undisputed guide to Halloween candy!
Candy corn: 5.5/10
We’ll start off traditional. Yellow, orange, and white—I think you can already guess that this is the legendary symbol of Halloween, candy corn. This waxy candy is known by all as a Halloween staple, yet many haven’t even tried it before. If you have, I’m sure you already have a *strong* opinion on it, but if you haven’t, let me enlighten you. Once you’ve tasted this bold, sugary bite, there’s no going back on the arguments to come. Like it or hate it, candy corn will forever remain an iconic symbol of this holiday, and for that, I give it a 5.5/10.
Snickers: 6.5/10
Arguably the most common candy on your trick-or-treating adventure, Snickers, a rich mixture of chocolate, caramel, nougat, and peanuts is sure to be a filling treat, packed with tons of energy, perfect to provide a burst of energy on your long and arduous trick-or-treating journey. However, consuming too much of this can possibly lead to loss of appetite or too much energy, neither of which are favorable options in your situation. What I highly advise you is to take snickers sparingly and not eat them all at once. Around 10 – 20 is the ideal amount of snickers, good enough to last a whole year. A classic treat, I rate this a 6.5/10.
Twix: 9/10
Much like the Snickers Bar, a Twix Bar is another high-energy candy, yet there is a reason why so many, like myself, prefer Twix instead. Twix Bars have a unique crunch to them, contrasting the soft caramel inside, and balanced by a nice chocolate coating. They don’t feel as rich as Snickers and the packaging is a shiny gold color, eye-catching and easy to spot in the darkness of the night of the 31st. Be sure to grab your fair share of Twix…before your friends steal it first! Twix earns a mighty 9/10 pulling ahead in this competition.
M&Ms: 8.5/10
It’s the perfect on-the-go candy. Bite-sized, colorful, and tasty, M&Ms are easily recognized anytime, anywhere. It’s no surprise that these milk chocolate bits are so popular, considering how they differ from the usual blocky candy bar. When you see a packet of M&Ms be sure to grab it, for these chocolates are known to run out quickly, considering how addicting they can be when eaten. Red, orange, green, blue, yellow, and brown, may be controversial but the real question is original or peanut M&Ms? A final rating of 8.5/10
Reese’s Pieces: 7/10
Although chocolate and peanut butter is a well-known and popular combination today, I cannot fathom the initial spark of greatness that has led us to this achievement. But look no further than the first google search result, as you will find the maker of Reese’s, Harry Reese, the genius himself. Now, Reese’s Pieces is commonly found in the Halloween candy of numerous children around the world, for its irresistible creamy blend of sweet and salty would make anyone with a good appetite salivate. But wait no more, for Halloween is right around the corner and don’t forget to snag your fair share of these peanut butter cups. Reese’s Pieces earns a final score of 7/10.
Dots: 8.5/10
It’s the original gumdrop candy! Owned by the famous Tootsie Roll Company, these small yellow boxes contain colorful chewy gumdrops in an assortment of flavors. Regular Dots contain the usual lemon, lime, orange, cherry, and strawberry, but Tootsie Roll Co. has also released special Dots, including three special Halloween varieties: Ghost Dots, Bat Dots, and Candy Corn Dots. What I personally believe has made Dots so popular is that it is a fruit-flavored gumdrop brand, unlike the (although more traditional) prickly spice-based ones. In the end, Dots are the perfect balance for all the chocolate you will receive, and will provide a refreshing fruit burst to contrast the richness of the chocolate, receiving a final score of 8.5/10.
York: 7/10
Let’s get one thing straight. Whether or not you are a fan of mint chocolate, you have to admit that it doesn’t taste like toothpaste. As the never-ending war of opinions on mint chocolate goes on, York’s Peppermint Patties are yet another controversial chocolate. I, as a fan and avid supporter of the chocolate mint combination, can tell you that biting into a York’s Peppermint Pattie is like breathing in a breath of cold, fresh air on a windy day. This chocolate will take you back to the first time you sucked on a candy cane, ate a breath mint, or tried a Girl Scouts Thin Mint. Surely an attention grabber, York earns, with a slightly biased author, an 7/10.
Skittles: 7.5/10
Our final contestant is Skittles, fruit candies shaped much like M&Ms yet give completely different impressions. Skittles are chewable flavored candies with a hard shell, with original colors of red, orange, yellow, light green, and dark purple. You may have already seen Skittles packs sold right here at BISV, if you are a regular purchaser of vending machine snacks. Thus, I’m sure many of you are already well acquainted with this delicious button-shaped candy, and I hope you’re satisfied with Skittles’ score of 7.5/10.
You’ll know when you see it. It’s the house of the local dentist, yes, the one house everyone avoids. But just when you’re about to walk past it, a wave of guilt overcomes you, and you’re filled with flashbacks of all the memories at the dentist’s, the good, bad, and painful. So you bravely take a step forward and ring the doorbell. You’re greeted with that perfect smile of pearly white teeth, but most importantly, the ever-looming bowl of…toothpaste. Happy Halloween and don’t forget to brush your teeth!