Previously published Feb. 4, 2021
Vaanishree, or Vaani, as her friends call her, is a senior here at BISV.
Vaani is taking several different classes for her senior year, and her favorite is the Capstone course Existentialism and the Absurd because of how interesting and unique it is. Taught by Mr. Meyerowitz, students in the class read books about existentialism and have discussions about the author’s point of view on the meaning of life. Vaani finds it interesting to read so many different people’s beliefs about life, from Nietzsche to Camus to Voltaire.
However, while she does enjoy her classes, online learning has presented its own challenges: Vaani would much prefer in-person school, because she is able to learn better while actually having human interactions with her teachers as well as her friends, who she now only sees once a week virtually. “[Virtual learning] is very tiring,” said Vaani, noting that being in front of a screen all day for virtual learning is taking more of a toll on her than in-person learning would have.
At the same time, Vaani also appreciates the extra time at home so that she can work on college applications—a daunting task that looms over every senior, even while students are trapped inside. She believes that writing college application essays has actually gotten harder, as it’s difficult to grasp how to effectively communicate her message to colleges. However, despite having so much work in the form of college applications, Vaani maintains a good work-life balance.
Besides school, Vaani also takes time to indulge in her hobbies, which are reading and swimming. She prefers to read books about science fiction, and despite having to quarantine because of Covid-19, she swims weekly Friday afternoons at her apartment complex’s pool.
When asked what brings her pride, Vaani responded that for her, it was the process of overcoming challenges. One example she provided was receiving a 5 on an AP exam after spending countless hours studying for the class. Her best piece of advice to future seniors? Don’t procrastinate.