Disclaimer: This interview consists of opinions based on different experiences from different students. While this publication may be used to gain some insight into the college app process, please remember that there is no “perfect formula” for getting into college and college applications vary by person. What works for one person may not work for another! Use your best judgment when taking advice from these interviews.
All interviews with The Quill are done with permission from the students. In order to protect their privacy, they may opt to be anonymous or just use their initials.
Alina: Currently we are in the cafeteria with Emily.
Emily: Hello!
Alina: Hello! It’s currently January, have you submitted all your college applications?
Emily: Yeahh. It was nice to finally get them done, because then that’s one less thing for me to worry about, and then when they come back, I can deal with my emotions then. But like for the next two months, I’m good.
Alina: Mhmm. Around when are your next decisions coming out?
Emily: I have one for UVA [University of Virginia], which is technically an Early, coming out in Feb. I got actually an acceptance back from a Cal State one, but most of them are coming out in March.
Alina: Congrats!! Are you looking forward to doing anything during Trimester 3?
Emily: Yeah, so I definitely want to get a job. I love that money, and I just think it’s a good thing to fill up time. I am excited to do my Senior Project—you know, “nervous but excited,” to quote Zac Efron from that one Saturday Night Live skit. But yeah, I think it’ll be a really fun challenge and obviously, hanging out with friends and having time to pursue my hobbies and stuff like that. So lots of opportunities I think!
Alina: Any senioritis?
Emily: No, I don’t think so? I don’t know how people do that because it feels like we haven’t been at school for that long this year.
Alina: We really haven’t.
Emily: [laughing] We really haven’t. It’s been about…4 months at the moment? So not in the moment, but I may eventually.
Alina: Do you recommend any Capstone courses for senior year?
Emily: Yes, I recommend Psychology of Happiness and Mindreading. It’s a really really fun class; it’s sort of life free therapy but in a fun way. And it has really good scientific facts. Also you do a whole bunch of fun projects and then gifts [for senior citizens]—yeah, it’s amazing. Multiversal fiction is also hilarious. If you like Brady, you’ll love the class, it’s so silly. Existentialism and the Absurd is also interesting, but only take it if you’re willing to write.
Alina: “Willing to write?”
Emily: Yeah there’s a lot of essays, a lot of projects and stuff. It’s not awful cause it’s with Mr. Meyerowitz—he’s funny—but it’s a lot of talking, listening, and writing.
Alina: And how’s the Multiversal Capstone?
Emily: Multiversal is technically an English class, but our units so far have been reading a book, watching movies, reading comic books, and we’re gonna play video games. [Alina: Whaaat] And then it’s just like chatting and it’s really fun. And we’ve had one project, which was either you write an essay or you do a creative project with no essay.
Alina: Like you can do art?
Emily: You can do art, music, you can create a playlist—like it’s genuinely anything. Yeah, very free-form.
Alina: Thanks Emily! And last question, do you have any advice for underclassmen?
Emily: Make friends with people. Be open to others who aren’t necessarily in your friend group, cause that will make your grade much closer, and I think that’s nice to have that camaraderie. Also, be organized, but don’t just kill yourself over schoolwork. You gotta find that balance—that’ll depend on what kind of person you are—but give it a go.
Alina: Alright, thank you Emily!!
Emily: Yeah!