Two teachers, one shared nickname. Dr. Moshofsky and Dr. Movshovitz, known as the Dr. Mos, teach chemistry and physics/math respectively, but one of them seems to have it out for chemistry. When presenting homeroom slides about a chemistry event, Dr. Movshovitz made various comments over the week about chemistry, such as “If you’re interested in chemistry…for some reason,” “Chemistry…You don’t like chemistry,” and finally, “Interested in chemistry…You’re still not interested in chemistry.” My deduction that “he hates chemistry” was met with, “It’s true, but it’s not just chemistry,” followed by, “We only have twelve minutes,” when prompted for a list of other dislikes. His comedic disdain even extended to a Linear Algebra worksheet he titled “rref [a Linear Algebra term] does chemistry,” featuring gems like, “Balance this ‘fermentation of sugar’ reaction, whatever that means,” and “Balance this thing, whatever it is.” Due to their amusing rivalry and mutual admiration for each other, the Dr. Mos gave some fun interviews.
Disclaimer: Interviews are edited and shortened for clarity. Interviews were done separately and later compiled.
Nishka: First question: Do you like the other Dr. Mo’s subjects, and how much on a scale from one to ten?
Dr. Moshofsky: I will say that my experience with Linear Algebra is limited; I took it in college but didn’t really do a lot with it, so I wouldn’t say that I like it, but I also wouldn’t say that I dislike it. So, on a scale from 1 to 10, I’d give it a 5 just because I don’t feel strongly about it either way. Physics was probably my favorite class in high school. I had a great teacher, and I really liked physics. So physics, I’m going to give it an 8.
Dr. Movshovitz: I don’t like chemistry, but I appreciate chemistry. I guess I’ll give it a 3.
Nishka (to Dr. Moshofsky): What’s your least favorite part of physics and your favorite part of physics?
Dr. Moshofsky: I mean, I definitely like classical physics, like all the projectile motion and all that stuff. I like circuits a lot too. I don’t really know that there were parts of physics I didn’t like. I mean, certainly, and this is very limited, but modern physics, I don’t like it. Quantum mechanics is hard, and I never really liked quantum.
Nishka (to Dr. Movshovitz): Why don’t you like chemistry?
Dr. Movshovitz: Because I’m jealous because chemistry is more useful than planetary science.
Nishka: What do you think about the other Dr. Mo?
Dr. Moshofsky: I really like him. I think he’s very funny. I like that he has excellent comedic timing. Yeah, I just enjoy all my interactions with him.
Dr. Movshovitz: We’re actually the same person. Have you ever seen the two of us together at the same time?
Nishka: How well do you think you could teach the other Dr. Mo’s classes?
Dr. Moshofsky: Not well at all.
Dr. Movshovitz: No.
Nishka: I noticed that you guys were matching on Iconic Duos Day. What were your costumes, and who came up with the idea?
Dr. Moshofsky: I could take you through the Teams conversation we had, but we bounced a few ideas off of each other back and forth. I don’t remember exactly, but I think maybe I suggested Kirk and Spock as an iconic duo. And he countered, I think, with Picard and Riker because they are more matched to us. Picard is bald and Riker has a beard, so in his words: “Let’s play to our strengths.” So yeah, that was ultimately his idea.
Dr. Movshovitz: Yeah, I wanted to do the least amount of work, so we figured we’d lean into our natural assets. All you have to do to be Picard is be yourself and have no hair.
Nishka: If the other Dr. Mo’s subjects were a person, would you want to be their friend or enemy?
Dr. Moshofsky: I feel like for physics, I would definitely be their friend if Physics was a person. For Linear Algebra, I’m not sure.
Dr. Movshovitz: I want to be their friend, so I can beg them for money.
Nishka: If you had to describe one of your subjects in five words or less, what would you say?
Dr. Moshofsky: Let me think about that one…
*Dr. Moshofsky later responded, “Wiggly energetic spring ball systems!”
Dr. Movshovitz: Linear Algebra in five words or less is … real math for real real.
Nishka: Last question: If you could create a TV show called Keeping Up with the Dr. Mos, what would the most dramatic episode be about?
Dr. Moshofsky: Maybe it would be about a student who doesn’t know which capstone to take…either chemistry, Linear Algebra, or physics. And ultimately, they make a hard choice, and let one of us down.”
Dr. Movshovitz: It would probably be the one where they get swarmed by a bunch of students during office hours, and they all have questions they want to ask about various retakes and interviews and their grades and grade reports.
In the end, it’s clear that both Dr. Moshofsky and Dr. Movshovitz have opinions about each other’s subjects. While they may not be eager to teach them, their admiration for one another shines through. Who won the battle of the Dr. Mos? That’s up for debate, but one thing’s for sure: this made for a pretty interesting interview!